I have not written on this blog for some time, but I will be more attentive in the future. Since the summer of 08' I have gone through alot of changes in my life. The most important is that my dear father passed away just a month ago. He had been quite ill and weak for some months but he had hung onto life as long as he could. It was a difficult time but I believe that it helped me to learn about the nature of attachment and the meaning of unconditional love. I loved my father, as I do my whole family, but my connection was tempered by emotional attachments, mindsets, beliefs, behaviors that had nothing to do with being unconditional. It is difficult to explain this but there is a difference ....This is beyond what I would call the psychological it is what keeps all of us from experiencing the deepest love which is Divine Love. We can experience this...we can have this....we can share this.....but we have to go through the pain of letting go of all of our ideas about what love is and how it manifests in our lives. This is what I am going through now and it is a great gift.
I think that it is making me more of a 'Total Gold' universal servant....more prepared to bring the great wisdom and healing of the soul to humanity. I am thankful.
It has been difficult..this journey. In the last year I also left my job...and the corporate life that had been so much a part of my existence for many years. As Master Sha has said....God arranged this. I know God has arranged it all.
Without the identity of my corporate title and work....I have been tested greatly. I didn't realize at first how much it was a part of me. There are great things that I learned, skills I developed, contacts that I made.....all of this will help me and the Mission in the future. What I had to undo was thinking of myself as that work......a manager...a consultant...a ____.......My true identity is not that. I knew this before I left but it has become clearer as I go through the doubts, the anxiety, the fears....of letting that go and surrendering to my true self.
I am still a work in progress. I continue to evolve. One of the great blessings of this year past has been the people that have come to me for healing and for counsel. God has arranged this too...and Master Sha has provided the vehicle. Those who have come met me on the teleconferences or through speaking engagements and teaching I am doing in my area. Each one has also been a guidepost for me as I move forward. Their concerns and issues are mine too. They are great mirrors, each one...and they provide me with the opportunity to serve. Thank you all.
Right now I am focusing on developing my healing and teaching practice, bringing a centre to the Greater Toronto Area for the Mission, and moving this great wisdom into the business community. All of them are really one....to bring The Power of Soul to humanity and all souls.
Stay tuned.
with love.......Lynne
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